History of Banking Pk of Punjab
Banking Pk was fixed in 1989, following to Banking Pk of Punjab Act 1989, and was given the status of a market bank in 1994.
Banking Pk of Punjab was set up by Tajammal Hussain and it service as a right commercial bank, with a network of 344 branches in major business center through out the country. It is the seven large commercial bank of the Country. It provides a full range of banking services including security in local currency; client security in different currency, keep and advances to business, trade, industry and agriculture
About Us
Banking Pk of Punjab (BOP) headquartered in BOP keep, Main Boulevard, Gulberg, Lahore is one of the prominent financial institutions of the country.
To be a customer-focused bank with service quality.
To batter the expectation of our stakeholders by leveraging our relationship with the Government of Punjab and give a complete range of professional solutions with a focus on program force products and services in agriculture through a motivated team.
Core Values
These are the values we celebrate;
Our Customers.
Corporate Social Responsibility.
Recognition and Reward.
For the talented and high performing employees
In everything we do
For our customers and each other
Achievement Award
The Central Board of Revenue presented Excellence Award to Banking Pk of Punjab in the notice of the contribution made by Banking Pk towards the Government exchequer. The Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI) awarded Banking Pk “LCCI Achievement Award” 2006.
President Message
As your Bank celebrates the happy occasion of the full team.It gives me huge pleasure to report that Banking Pk has shown exceptional results.
In terms of growth in profitability and strengthening of its balance sheet. While complete restructuring and image building strategies side by side, the Management also remained fully focused on revamping and effective implementation of the business strategies. On the demand of aware efforts of the Management to take the BOP brand name to every corner of the country to protect plan of banking services to every citizen a well chalked out expansion plan has been put in place in urgent with a view to expanding Banking Pk distance especially in unbanked areas of the country. Debit MasterCard has also been launched with features of Point of Sale (POS) transactions and withdrawal through local and international ATM. With the services of utility bills collections through ATM SMS Banking and Phone Banking successfully rolled out Banking Pk would be launching Branchless Banking services shortly.
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